
Current News

A joint meeting of Trustees and Executive committee was held in early July to discuss the future of SPN. Disappointingly only 2 members of the Executive Committee were able to join the meeting . However Ruth Allen, now Chief Executive of BASW, and Jerry Tew who rose from his sick bed to signify his support made valuable contributions.

Jane Shears, Chair of the Trustees ,rehearsed the options facing SPN given the lack of activity on the part of the Executive Committee. While we had some funds in the bank we did not have the capacity to run events as in the past. The two tier structure with Trustees responsible for financing and strategy and the Executive responsible for activity had not worked effectively. We could therefore a) close and transfer funds to a kindred body b)  seek to merge with another body or c) continue in name only but with activity in abeyance until volunteers came forward.

Ruth and Jane had discussed the possibility of BASW offering a social perspectives hub within a BASW mental health website. The BASW mental health reference group were meeting later in the month to discuss whether the existing BASW mental health reference group should become a more broadly based mental health social work policy and practice forum.

Two concerns were raised in discussion. First would being housed within a social work organisation diminish the impact of broader social perspectives?. Second would SPN continue as a charity or would it fold into existing BASW charities?

Ruth and Jane had discussed the possibility of BASW offering a social perspectives hub within a BASW mental health website. The BASW mental health reference group were meeting later in the month to discuss the existing BASW mental health reference group becoming a more broadly based mental health social work policy and practice forum.

Two concerns were raised in discussion. First would being housed within a social work organisation diminish the impact of broader social perspectives?. Second would SPN continue as a charity or would it fold into existing BASW charities?

After lengthy discussion the following agreements were reached:

SPN would remain in existence until its next AGM to be held in February 2017 but would fold then transferring its assets to a kindred body unless there was meaningful activity in the interim.

Ruth and Jane would develop a proposal for consideration about the suggested hub within BASW.

The website should be one of SPN’s primary assets. It needs material and to be updated regularly if it is to serve the membership.

The suggestion supported by several EC members of keeping the website alive by reference to various publications, blogs etc was agreed . The key here is finding volunteers to work with Catherine Pestano and Jerry Tew who had offered to assist.

We are seeking a small editoriaPlease let Jean Healy know if you can help on [email protected] group to a) look out for relevant material – reports, news items, training material for the website b) write occasional pieces c) to ensure contributions are consistent with SPN’s value base.

Please think about joining them to help keep SPN alive.